SPORT APPRO Rovaniemi 18.9.2018

On wellbeing week at Tuesday 18th of Sep you have a possibility to participate in SportAppro. Sport services of the Universities in Lapland are organizing a SportAppro event, 
where students can collect sport markings in various sport events. 
When you get at least two marks you will automaticly participate in a drawn where you have a possibility to win SUPER-awards!
In addition, all the participants will receive an overall badge.

1 - 3 mark Sportwannabe
3 - 6 mark Sporfanatic 
+ 7 mark Sportmaniac


SportAppro pass can be obtained from the following places;

University of Lapland, F-wing:
Thursday 13.9. at 11-13 
Friday 14.9. at 11-12
Monday 17.9. at 11-13 
Tuesday 18.9. at 9-11 

Jokiväylä 11, main hall
Thursday 13.9. at 11-13 
Friday 14.9. at 11-13
Monday 17.9. at 11-13 
Tuesday 18.9. at 9-11

Viirinkankaantie 1, main hall
Thursday 13.9. at 11-13 
Friday 14.9. at 11-13
Monday 17.9. at 11-13 
Tuesday 18.9. at 9-11

ROTKO office, Jokiväylä 11C
Thursday 13.9. at 10 - 15
Monday 17.9. at 10 - 15

Price: 2€ SportAppro-pass, which includes a patch (you need to get at least one mark to get a patch), in addition in some places you must pay a small fee.

Changing SportAppro-pass to patches; Wednesday 19.9. at 9 am - 11 am in LYY's and ROTKO office.

If you want to take part in the lottery, you have to get minimum two marks.

There is a pass marking in each sport places. 

Lottery Awards:
1. Fitness watch 
2 CMS Santasport one month exercise card
2 LadyLine’s one month exercise card
2 EasyFit’s one month exercise card
1 Kunnon Paikka’s one month exercise card
1 GymEveryBody’s one month exercise card

Schedule and more information

18/09/2018 - 08:00 to 19/09/2018 - 07:45
Contact details: 
Hosted by Lapin korkeakoululiikunta