Welcome to Rembrussi Anniversary ball!
Our lovely subject association remburssi has achieved respectable age and we will celebrate it with a sparkling ceremony. It is time get to your fanciest dresses and charmiest suits from the closet and get ready for an unforgettable party.
Rembrussi associations anniversary ball this year will be held in the magnificent Arktikum under the class roof and starry night. During the night we will enjoy each others company, tasty three course menu, distinguished speeches and ambient music. We will continue the party in Night Club Half moon, where we have organized a group ride. In Halfmoon there will be a live performance by the magnificent Michael Monroe.
Next day you're welcomed to join us and relieve hangover or continue partying at the silliBreakst in the LYY sauna. The address for the Sauna is Hallituskatu 20 D (The top floor).
Korianterigraavattualohta (coriandergravlax)
Tillimajoneesia (Dill mayonnaise)
Yrtti-versosalaattia (Herb-sprout salad)
Ylikypsää häränrintaa / Naurispihvi (Overcooked ox breast)
Selleripyreetä (Celery puree)
Tummaa pippurikastiketta (Dark peppersauce)
Hunajakasviksia (Honey vegetables)
Tiramisukakkua ja kahvisiirappia (Tiramisu cake and coffee syrup)
Kahvi tai Tee (Coffee or Tea)
The dinner card includes three course menu, start toast, two classes of Wine and avec. It also includes the transportation to the after party, entry fee to the night club and next mornings sillibreakfast. In the party spot there is a bar where you can buy drinks.
Ilmoittautumislomake löytyy täältä: Ilmoittautuminen päättyy sunnuntaina 5.3. // Registration form can be found from the link. Registration will be over Sunday 5.3
Illalliskortti maksetaan Remburssi ry:n tilille. Viesti-kenttään oma nimi ja teksti vuosijuhlat. Maksun eräpäivä on 10.3.2017. //
IBAN: FI17 1134 3000 6051 89
Jäsenille 70 euroa (alkoholiton 65 euroa) // For members 70€ (non alcoholic 65€)
Ei-jäsenille 75 euroa (alkoholiton 70 euroa) // For non-members 75€ ( non-alcoholic 70)
Kannatusillalliskortti 200 euroa (Support dinnercard 200€)
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