t’s time to discover one of the popular spots for locals and internationals to spend time grilling, chilling and trying to catch those beautiful northern lights! THE TOWER! We will be leaving as a group from the University F-Wing at 17:45 and Kuntotie parking at 18.50. Things you need for the perfect grill and chill: 1. Clothing which suits the weather and temperature 2. A sausage or two / any other stuff you want to grill 3. A cold drink (beer, cider, soft drink etc. etc.) 4. Optional: a small bottle of Finnish white wine to keep you warm


23/08/2018 - 19:00 to 24/08/2018 - 18:45
Ounasvaaara Sightseeing tower
Meeting Point: 
University F-Wing at 17:45 and Kuntotie parking at 18.50
  • Everyone is invited.